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/ Best of Shareware / Best of PC Windows Shareware 1.0 - Wayzata Technology (7111) (1993).iso / pc / zipped / dos / business / coinfi15.zip

Images (1)

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
COINFIL.DOC Text File 1,244 60KB 1992-11-07
COINFIL.INI Text File 9 73b 1993-01-17
INDICATE.CTL Text File 10 357b 1993-01-17
INDICATE.DAT Text File 71 5KB 1993-01-16
INDICATE.HST Text File 386 20KB 1993-01-17
README.DOC Text File 108 5KB 1993-01-17

Other Files (2)
COINFIL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 186KB 1993-01-17
COINFIL.PIF Microsoft Windows Program Information File 545b 1992-11-07